South Seattle Parish Family
St. Edward / St. George / St. Paul / St. Peter
St.GeorgeParish School PreK-8, St. Paul Early Learning Center 3-5 year old's
Property for St. Peter church and rectory was purchased on October 10, 1929 for $4,700.00 from the Quong Tuck Lung Co. Bishop O'Dea sent a letter to the surrounding parishes announcing the creation of St. Peter parish on February 3, 1931. With Mr. Frank McMahon as the architect, ground was broken on the site on June 2, 1931 for the church. Actual construction began the week of June 28, 1931, and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gustave Archtergael, paster of St. Alphonsus Church in north Seattle, laid the cornerstone on October 15, 1931.
The patron saint of our parish is Peter the Apostle. Peter was a native of Bethsaida near Lake Tiberias. First named Simon, he lived and worked as a fisherman with his brother Andrew who introduced him to Jesus. Jesus gave Simon the name “Cephas”, the Aramaic equivalent of Peter (The Rock) in Greek. Peter was the chosen leader of the apostles and is mentioned more frequently in the Gospels than any other apostle. He became the first pope of the Catholic Church and was crucified at the foot of Vatican Hill in Rome. The church celebrates his feast day on June 29th.